Saturday, 27 June 2015

Tunisia In Firing Line Again

Isis have targeted Tunisia again with a killing of 40 tourists at a hotel complex in Sousse. This will have very serious repercussions for the fledgling democratic (and secular) government. Isis obviously intends to destabilise a government that is totally out of tune with their plans for islamic dominance. If killing innocent tourists is the way to bring this about then, in their mind, so be it. What are 40 lives against the glory of god. Their god of course.
This is all so totally depressing, not just for the cruel ruthlessness of the event itself but because there is no obvious way of stopping it happening again, and again. When minds are as taken over by a madness, as are those of Isis, there is no way forward, no dialogue, no compromise, no solution.
This is religion at its most uncompromising, but religion almost by definition is always uncompromising - God doesn't do compromise. Why would he?